You were born to count the stars PART 1

A Touch of sLOVEnia broadcasting internationally. A youth exchange in an organic farm, somewhere far away from factories and shopping malls. About 25 people from all over Europe. And my very first time as a trainer in a setting as such. Dear reader, all you really...

You were born to count the stars PART 1

A Touch of sLOVEnia broadcasting internationally. A youth exchange in an organic farm, somewhere far away from factories and shopping malls. About 25 people from all over Europe. And my very first time as a trainer in a setting as such. Dear reader, all you really...

How to make a Win-Win situation out of conflict

Dear reader, Do you like church bells? Our street doesn’t. In fact, in the last half a year or so, most neighbours (including us) began to hate it. Our village church is a big proud heavy building and so are the church bells. Since we live in a valley beneath,...

And That Reminds Me of a Story

Dear reader, learning begins at the end of your comfort zone. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. The best and most learning happens when you are feeling insecure, unfomfortable, maybe even scared, because things are hard. Comfort zone isn’t always...