Meet a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

A very special day today and I want to share it with you, my friends and readers. A couple of weeks ago I got recommended to become a part of the ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS from a British distinguished fellow who noticed my work and found it meaningful. The Royal Society...

I deserve this!

Dear reader, it was about a year ago, on an intervision meeting with a coach colleague. I was just starting to think about going independent and opening my own company. As such, I was full of doubts, second thoughts, all sorts of fears, as are probably most people who...
What to say to a new-born

What to say to a new-born

Dear reader, you haven’t heard from me for a while. If you browse the blog’s pages, you might have figured out the reason why yourself. If not, I’ll tell you now. Ribalon has been born. First Slovenian Solution Focused Institute. I’m sure...
What to say to a new-born

What to say to a new-born

Dear reader, you haven’t heard from me for a while. If you browse the blog’s pages, you might have figured out the reason why yourself. If not, I’ll tell you now. Ribalon has been born. First Slovenian Solution Focused Institute. I’m sure...