How to simplify your relationships

Dear reader, most of our problems and challenges arise from interpersonal relations – whether be it with your spouse, your boss, your colleagues, friends, neighbours, politicians, and so forth. It is actually an art to keep strong and healthy relationships, and...

Blackberry Kiss

Fancy blackberries? Me too. Fruit is my favourite food and I’m a very lucky person in summer, because there’s plenty of it. Being a child of nature, always picking fruit from bushes or trees or whatever, I still as an adult keep this habit as my one time...

Miracles DO happen

Dear reader, I can’t believe it’s February already. I’ve had a meeting today with the faculty leadership, because we need to establish our relationship in more details now that I’m opening my own institute. It was a heavy meeting, because we...

But why do they need labels?

Dear reader, after I’ve successfully completed my first course and was so impressed by it, my mentor C. (the therapist from the previous post) asked me before long if I’m using the opportunity of putting learned principles into practice. My study visit was...