Meet a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

A very special day today and I want to share it with you, my friends and readers. A couple of weeks ago I got recommended to become a part of the ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS from a British distinguished fellow who noticed my work and found it meaningful. The Royal Society...

A. Biba Rebolj

When dealing with your own issues, use your head. When dealing with other people’s issues, use your heart. This is my personal motto. A few days ago, my former client made a comment she’s missing information about me on my webpage. Her words were:...

I am vulnerable

Dear reader, Although it’s summer holidays and not much going on, I have several new clients coming in. With one we talked about our need to be recognized in this world, our need to belong somewhere and a need to matter something to someone. She wanted to...

Never Stop Making Wishes …

Dear reader, Gandhi was supposed to say something like live as if you are to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are to live forever. Today I’ll tell you a story about someone special, someone who I hope, I’ve inherited my brain from (and looks, hopefully?). My...