Never Stop Making Wishes …

Dear reader, Gandhi was supposed to say something like live as if you are to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are to live forever. Today I’ll tell you a story about someone special, someone who I hope, I’ve inherited my brain from (and looks, hopefully?). My...
What to say to a new-born

What to say to a new-born

Dear reader, you haven’t heard from me for a while. If you browse the blog’s pages, you might have figured out the reason why yourself. If not, I’ll tell you now. Ribalon has been born. First Slovenian Solution Focused Institute. I’m sure...
What to say to a new-born

What to say to a new-born

Dear reader, you haven’t heard from me for a while. If you browse the blog’s pages, you might have figured out the reason why yourself. If not, I’ll tell you now. Ribalon has been born. First Slovenian Solution Focused Institute. I’m sure...