I deserve this!

Dear reader, it was about a year ago, on an intervision meeting with a coach colleague. I was just starting to think about going independent and opening my own company. As such, I was full of doubts, second thoughts, all sorts of fears, as are probably most people who...

I suck at saying goodbye: EBTA 2015

Ask, and you will be answered. Step out and you will be noticed. Do good things and good things will come back. This is a message from this year’s annual European Brief Therapy Association Conference that was held in Vienna from 11th till 13th September. I was...

You were born to count the stars PART 2

Have you ever received a genuine compliment? I’m sure you have. And have you ever had an opportunity to give a compliment that came from your heart? Probably also. But we do it way too rarely. And this is a huge pity. I believe that compliments are the best...

Happy Anniversary!

Dear reader, it’s one year since the very first post on this blog. I’m happy. There seem to be over 1600 readers from over 35 countries and that certainly is a sign that this blog has something people like to follow. When I published the previous post...